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Useful Resources

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Official VEX Website

Visit this site to buy robot parts, find competition game manuals, and learn more about VEX in general! Curious about VEX's vision, purpose, and history? It's all on this site and more!

Robot Events

Want information about not only VEX, but also other robotics organizations? It's all here on the Robot Events site. You can find competitions and events happening near you. Check it out!


It's the whole VEX database. Ever want to snoop around and find information about other teams? VEX DB has it all. It has information about events each team has gone to, their awards, overall statistics, rankings, and skills awards.

VEX Community Forum

Have any questions about your robot? Do you want to get feedback on your current robot or just show it off? Or maybe you just want to talk with other people that share your same passion? Get an account on the VEX Community Forum and join in on the fun!

VRC Hub App

The VRC Hub App is amazing for teams attending competitions. It helps you keep track of the score without requiring any thinking at all! All you have to do is count up the number of cubes in each goal and in the towers, and the app gives you the score. It also has a timer for regular, skills, and VEX U, so you can practice timing yourself as you drive your robot around.

Rubrics for Awards

Design Award:

The Design Award recipient demonstrates a clear and professional approach towards their design process. They clearly demonstrate time management and organization throughout the project. The team's Engineering Notebook and their interview with the judges show that they can create a high-quality robot by themselves. Only teams that submit Engineering Notebooks are elgible for the Design Award. Only teams that submit an Engineering Notebook can qualify for this award.

The key criteria for the Design Award are:

The rubric for the Design Award is located on the bottom of the Notebook Tips page.

Excellence Award:

The Excellence Award is the highest award presented. This award is given to the team that is overall exemplary in all aspects, and is a strong contender in many award categories.

The key criteria for the Excellence Award are:

Judges Award:

The Judges Award is given to the team that the Judges believe should be specially recognized. The criteria for this award is very broad. Judges may look at team displays of certain attributes, excellent effort and perseverance, or other accomplishments outside of the competition.

For more information, check out the PDF below!

Download Link: Here